Monday, September 20, 2010

I Heart Faces: Smirk

Wow, what a crazy weekend! *sigh* That's why I'm a little behind on getting to this weeks challenge at I Heart Faces.

The theme this week is smirk. I thought of the perfect shot of my daughter from a few weeks ago. She's 2 1/2 and definitely at the age when you say "smile" she does things like this:

LOL! I usually delete these, but she does it so often I've decided to keep a few ;)

Check out all the other smirks over at I Heart Faces!

Pin It!


  1. hee hee this is a fabulous smirk!!! Greate capture!

  2. What a fabulous smirk! She'll thank you one day, and you'll be glad too, that you kept some of these pictures! Thank you for the sweet comment on my blog too! Your too kind!

  3. Ha ha! Too cute! Great smirk.
