My husband was involved in a motorcycle accident. He was riding in a group of 5 guys (all AF co-workers) when 2 of them crashed going 70mph. - Yes, you read that right......70 miles per hour! It is nothing short of a miracle that they both weren't killed. Thankfully, both were wearing helmets and other protective gear. To save you the LONG story of the accident, hospital stay and remainder of the week.... my husband was taken to the local hospital and then released 6 hours later. He had a concussion, broken thumb and serious sprains on his right ankle, left knee and wrist. The other guy was flown to a larger hospital, had surgery on his arm, but is now home as well.
My husband, the night of the accident, his motorcycle before it got towed away, his swollen hand and broken thumb, the life-saving helmet, my mom came to help us and we are SO incredibly thankful she did, and my kids hanging out in the wheel chair.
My husband will make a full- recovery, although we don't know quite how long it will take. There are some hoops we will have to jump through to make sure he can fly again.
The military community is a very special group of people. We are family to each other. We had such an amazing amount of support, both at the hospital and once we got home. Countless numbers of visitors came to check on us and many brought us meals. I have cried through the emotions of this week, some out of fear and some out of gratitude for those around us. Our family at home is wonderful and always there for us, but we are equally as blessed to have our AF family....they are family to us because the choose to be. There isn't much better than that.
I would appreciate your prayers for the continued healing for my husband and the other guys involved in the crash this week. I certainly hope this next week isn't nearly as exciting!
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