After 5 weeks, my husband returned to work. The kids and I tried to get back into a 'normal' groove. Heck, I even got to the gym 4 times! Woo hoo! In other pictures: We said good-bye to some dear friends. With all the positives to military life, there are a few real downers....friends moving away is one of them. You may have seen the {H} family on this blog often. They were one of my biggest fans and supporters. They will be deeply missed. =(
Below that picture is cosmic bowling! One of my favorite Air Force events each year here is their bowling fundraiser! I even won the silent auction for that amazing 'movie/game night' basket in the next picture!
Next to that is a pic of my freshly washed there anything cuter =)
Above that is a typical pic here in SW Oklahoma! This is about 2 minutes from my house...moo! At the top are pics of my kids, again. Little C is playing play-dough and Big C is sitting nicely in her new spring dress. I used this pic for my new Spring Mini Session Specials!!!
Our family is going to be out of town a few days this upcoming week, while my husband gets some testing done. This is a big moment for him, as he needs to pass to have the chance to fly again! We would appreciate any prayers you could send his way! Thanks and have a great week =)
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