Friday, July 29, 2011

We're Home and.....

I feel almost sane again =) We had a wonderful, long vacation in Phoenix with our families! After all that fun and activity it's taken us quite a while to get back in the grove. Hopefully all you wonderful readers are still here....and forgive the long absence! I've got a TON of things to blog and am hoping to have some free time in the next few days to get pics edited and posts written. =)

Here are some vacation pics to share until then!

Stay tuned!
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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What To Wear Wednesday

For July's installment of What To Wear Wednesday we have 1950's inspired family outfits!


These are SO darn cute and perfect for a warm, summer day! Love those red heels with the totally 50's style shirts & shoes for the boys! (For a better view click on the image!)

Thanks for checking out WTW Wednesday! If you have any photos of your family(or photos you've taken) that are 1950's inspired I'd LOVE to see them!
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Friday, July 1, 2011

On The Road Again

Hey y'all! The kids and I are off on vacation again! 2 weeks in Phoenix should be awesome!!! (yes, very HOT too!)

Catch up with you all when we get back! Have a fun and safe 4th of July weekend...and take LOTS of pictures =)
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