Thursday, January 20, 2011

Pixel Perfect Before and After

This week I took a few pictures that were so cute but needed a LOT of help! Perfect for the Before/After at Pixel Perfect!


My white balance was WAY off! My husband had yelled to me that my daughter was being cute with all the bubbles in the bathtub, so I just ran in there with whatever settings were already on the camera. Mistake, LOL!


Since I had a whole batch of them I went to LR3 and changed the white balance (-50 temperature) then increased the exposure and brightness a bit. Then in PSE7 I wanted to see what else I could do so I made a duplicate layer and changed the blending mode to screen. I reduced the opacity to 25% and used the eraser to mask of the effect on the painted wall. But it did make all the white in the tile and the bubbles really pop! I then ran the high pass filter to sharpen things up. Thats it! WAY BETTER!

Thanks for stopping by! Hope you're having a great week =)
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  1. cute kiddo! i love bubbles :) and love how you lightened up the photo. thanks for sharing!

  2. Love the bubble The lighting changes you made turned out terrific!

  3. Great edit. So cute.
